في تصنيف تعليم بواسطة

سنقدم لكم اليوم تعبير قصير عن التخرج باللغة الانجليزية ، گنموذج حتى تتمكنوا من الكتابة وتطوروا مهاراتكم في الكتابة والتعبير ، والنموذج گالتالي :

My best day is when I graduate. I have always been waiting for this day to come. I am so excited to graduate and I am so glad . In my graduation day, I will have a party and invite all my friends and my relative to the party to celebrate with me . my graduation party will be a huge and nice party. I am going to invite all my friends and my relatives to celebrate with me about my success. I am very happy and proud of myself . I want everyone to join with me in the big celebration party . Graduation from high school is such a big day for students. Now it is the time to start a new part in their life. After graduation , students go to universities and collages to study the major they love and to achieve their goals . I hope to feel this great feel . 

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The secondary stage is of great importance in the life of the student. In this stage, the student ‘s dependence on himself increased in the learning process as he increased his awareness, developed his mind and developed his abilities .

مرحبًا بك إلى موقع الخليج التعليمي،

حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة وانتظار الإجابة عليها من المستخدمين الآخرين .

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انضمو إلى جروب التلجرام لحل الأسئلة مباشرة


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الموقع تحت اشراف الأستاذ أبو الفهد
